

Featured Book


The foot prints of the Almighty who has no time continues..Let us recite the verses of our Master, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few" Matthew 9:37, "Go in to all world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation" -Mark 16:15 .Kreupasanam Publication ministry puts this Word in to practice.. The spiritual books of Kreupasanamare the fulfillment of these verses intended to overcome the present challenges of evangelism. Jesus is always with us and He will not abandon you. To experience this fact let us become an apostle by spreading this mission..Buythis books as online and offer it as a gift for your dear and near ones. God bless you all. May Heaven rejoice through your mission.

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Spiritual Publication

The foot prints of the Almighty who has no time continues..Let us recite the verses of our Master, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few" Matthew 9:37, "Go in to all world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation" -Mark 16:15 .Kreupasanam Publication ministry puts this Word in to practice.. The spiritual books of Kreupasanamare the fulfillment of these verses intended to overcome the present challenges of evangelism. Jesus is always with us and He will not abandon you. To experience this fact let us become an apostle by spreading this mission..Buythis books as online and offer it as a gift for your dear and near ones. God bless you all. May Heaven rejoice through your mission.


Cultural Publication

Kreupasanam Pauranika Rangakalapeedom working for the rejuvenation of uprooted Indian coastal folkarts through documentation, preservation and promotion since last 31years through literary analysis, literary composition and literay research under the authorship of Dr.Fr.V.P Joseph Valiyaveettil.His books- "Encyclopedia on Chavittunadakam" and "Dictionary on kerala coastal folkarts" which has taken one third of his lifespan for the completion of documentation works. He has also written other Chavittunadakam books named,"Brijeena charitham", "Chavittunadakam Attaprakaram", "Chavittunadakam - music and literature". All these cultural integration works automatically fostered our national integration, that is unity in diversity. Copies of these books are available on National Heritage Study Centre Library for further reference and studies.


Literary Publications

Kreupasanam Pauranika Rangakalapeedom working for the rejuvenation of uprooted Indian coastal folkarts through documentation, preservation and promotion since last 31 yeras through the litrary analysis, literary composition and literary reaserach under the authorship of Dr. V P Joseph Valiaveetil
