

Diocese of Alapuzha, Kalavoor, India (B.115/ERE-13/98-832),
Registered under Kerala Goverment (RegNo. A-690/92)


The name of this centre is “Kreupasanam”.1989-90-The period when we got realized the clarion call of evangelization. In the first phase of our mission we had but only counseling. Later Lord Jesus blessed all those who came for counseling by keeping them in his affectionate care and loving protection. By 1990 the ordinary Christian fellowship got developed into a one-day retreat.

Of course in 1991 on November 27 - A Bible convention was organized at Arthunkal Church and it got developed into an outreach retreat. In that convention there were about 5000 faithful.

Within a month by the grace of Lord it became coastal Area Convention and was organized in December 21-1991. And in April 1991, the Bible Conventions became associated with cultural, traditional, Art forms which have been the inseparable part of the daily life. By way of introducing this unique style of Evangelization, it must be rather should be named as “Krepasanam”- The Seat of Mercy. After having examined, studied prayed- the spirit of living Lord infused in to me and then I safely reached on the conclusion that “The Seat of Mercy” is the reflection of the Exodus where in prophet Moses was called to lead the Israelites having the Ark of the Covenant on shoulders in the centre of the people through the desert and this attain the promise of God by reaching the Chosen land Canaan, amidst numerous enemies to fight with, the difficulties to face, please confirm with (Exodus 25,40, And The Book of Numbers 4).

Kreupasanam Got Registered in the State Government of Kerala (Reg.No.A 690/92) and Rt. Hon: Bishop.Peter.M.Chenapparambil, diocese of Alappuzha, blessed and endorsed inaccordance the Decree bearing No-(B.115/ERE-13/98-832) .

The Marian covenant Prayer is the out-come of an inspiration from the Living Spirit of the Living God . History of Kreupasanam religio-socio-cultural centre can be highlighted in three phases. First - 1989 To 2000, Gospelization among the Fishermen and those in the coastal area.

In accordance with the proclamation of the Marian year we have conducted Rosary in the family unit, then parish level and concluded on the regional level in 1987 on August 11,7000-faithful with lit candles recited Rosary without break throughout night and in the morning the devotees of Our Mother went with statue of Blessed Mother to Omanappuzha St.Xaviers Church.

1987 August 12 –First time in my priesthood, I have gone outside of my diocese to conduct a retreat for charismatic leaders at Idukki-CMI Monstery.

In the Easter Season of 1989 - we had a wine party, which was gifted by Rev.Sr.Emilda, due it’s age of 5 years of for other reason if any, we all fell unconscious, vomited and the strange happening was reported, a spontaneous commotion and indignation created against me and my friends and I became very much like a priest in the black-list. I don’t wish to speak much about it and there is no need for it. Really that incident gave me the chance, to pray the rosary fervently.

30 days passed and 30 nights, I prayed rosary and prayed Lord. Mother helped me to become humble holding Blessed Mothers hands following her will and giving Her thanks.

June – 8, My Birth Day - It was on this day when I got the statue of Blessed Mother of the Sacred Heart of Jesus from the house of Kattoor Mgr. Joseph Thekkepalackal, the Mother of that house gave me the statue of Blessed Mother.

Immediately after, the arrival of the statue of the Blessed Mother on my table, people began to come to me for counseling, confession and the like and thus Lord God got glorified and praised by my life of an unending gratitude.

There came one K.D. George- an outstanding Charismatic Leader of name and fame who requested me to be the Spiritual Director of his Charismatic Prayer Team.

Finally came an end of my attempts of Evangelization. Of the Costal Area and the people therein for a new attempt in the realm of Evangelization.

Commencing from Kunhimangalam of Kannur to Puthenthope in Trivandrum Rosary Vision Retreats were organized, illustrating by visuals, explaining in words supported by testimonies of Babichan of Santhanpara, who is introducer of Thousand Beads Rosary Iin Kerala and thus there were many associated with Rosary Prayer Mission.

Mar.Chakiyath the Auxiliary Bishop of Ernakulam-Angamaly Arch Diocese Blessed the Statue of Mother and was taken with numerous people singing chanting accompanied by hundreds of vehicles and people, devotees from all parts praying Rosary from Cochin Via Alappuzha Covering the Costal area reached Kalavoor at about 2 P.M. in the night and the Holy statue was enshrined at the Main Portal of the kreupasanam Marian Shrine and it was on 2003 october 25.

Annual Celebration Day of the enshrinement of the Holy Statue of the Blessed Mother at the gate of the kreupasanam a procession was conducted rather organized, commencing from Cochin and also from Punnapra St.Josephs Church and the processions reached Kreupasanam. There came R. Vijayakumar who became an Apostle of the Kreupasanam Movement in all respects and also an inseparable element of all the activities either spiritual or material.

The Appearance or the Apparition of The Blessed Mother At Kalavoor, Marian Retreat Centre Diocese of Aleppey - Alappuzha - 688522 Kerala, South India.It was on 2004 - December 7 at 2.30 - in the afternoon

When Blessed - Mother Mary appeared attired silver grey color of heavenly beauty and wearing a mini ornamental clock pinpointing figures 10,8. SHE Appeared and infused into me of an impending danger in the form of a natural calamity.

The Adoration of the Holy Eucharist was going on in the Church Centering at the main altar. And on my part I stood up and turned to the people then in the church and asked them to pray.The Executive Committee was summoned and resolution was taken. Pray the Rosary fervently for getting saved from natural calamities.

The Blessed Mother has clearly emphasized that her messages are not just for kalavoor, Alappuzha, Kerala, India, but for the whole World. She promised that we will be saved if we put her message into practice.

On 24th December -2004 the Anniversary Day of my ordination, green colored candles got blessed and instructed the faithful to pray constantly and do penance for all our brothers and sisters so that we all save our lives and also save the world.

The prayer was greatly rewarded the danger of Tsunami threatened the society though hit on 26th December 2004 it was over thrown and peace once more reigned in our society by the prayers Blessed Mother.

In my retreats I used speak on the Apparition of Blessed Mother on the altar at Kreupasanam, Kalavoor, Alappuzha and asked to make a habit of praying all the time.

2010 April 20 to 2010 April 29

During the 10 days of the Holy Land Visit we consecrated to Blessed Mother Mary who participate in human history as the Mother of Jesus.And vijayakumar proclaimed his loyalty to our Lord Jesus Christ on the banks of River Jordan.

It was on 30th April 2010 - 3.30 in the early morning - Place A Hotel in Cairo while I was taking rest after having visited the place or cave where St. Joseph with Blessed Mother and Infant Jesus stayed in accordance with the heaven message or warning.

Blessed Mother Came to me accompanied by saints-behold I saw St.Joseph and Saint John Marie Vianney - the patron Saint of Priests lying on the right and left of my bed. Then came Blessed Mother to me and placed her 4 Holy Fingers on my lips-and I tightened the lips so that saliva may not gush out. However I got excited delighted and surprised and I jumped into the deep waters of River Nile in unbridled happiness.

It can come as no surprise that Blessed Mother Mary by the will and grace of God has chosen me to help all who come to salvation.

kreupasanam Mother Proves that from here Her light and Her Victory will spread and will cover all the Nations of the world. Physical and spiritual healings are being reported not few but numerous hundreds and thousands with the help of Television Channels and social medias ,kreupasanam miracles are spread throughout the world.

After the Holy Land pilgrimage I was ordered by Rt.Hon.Bishop Stephen to report before him.

I was summoned to handover my transfer order to Valiya Kalavoor St.Joseph’s Church.

The church was under construction and to get completed it needs about 1 crore 25 lakhs or more. However this transfer order proved that the dream I had at Egypt is not a mere dream but a reality explaining that St.Joseph who is enshrined in the Valiya Kalavoor Church and also that our Lady has chosen me to witness Her presence in the world through the Marian Covenant prayer.

  Now speaking about the completion of the Church. The church got completed beautifully without any loan or obligation got blessed in 2014-on October 29. The construction story of the Valiya Kalavoor St.Joseph’s Church happily ended with the choicest blessings of Mother Mary and St.Joseph the patron Saint of Valiya Kalavoor Church, alappuzha, Kerala, India.

I was graced by a wonderful gift as the sign from God that God’s Plan for revival of the art forms-humanitarian studies stage arts-research, Study and Thesis on Puthenpana,Ammanam, Devasthavili, Chavittunadakam and so on. My Academic study and research there upon had it beginning during period of 1990-1992 . When I was serving at the church named and styled as “Thumboli Matha” (Marian Church) after the daily Rosary Prayer from 9.30 - 10.30 P.M. kneeling on the stone I betook myself to the pursuit of study and research throughout the night for long 17 years. In the end of those days of prayer, vigil and hard labor “The Encyclopedia” giving information on all subjects specifying about said art form etc. got published.

 The State Government approved my research and the Academy published my work .The International Tamil University-Honolulu U.S.A. granted doctorate for my study.

The Doctorate of the International Tamil University was awarded to me at Madurai Tamil Nadu in the presence of a proud and large gathering. The Central Government of India granted me Senior Fellowship in 2008 and the State Government of Kerala awarded me the scholarship of the Literature Academy Government of Kerala.

After having received Doctorate of the International Tamil University, Honelulu, U.S.A, at the function held at Madurai Tamil Nadu, I expressed my desire to my companion Mr. Vijayakumar that we should thank Mother Mary at a church dedicated to her. In reply Vijayakumar told me that there is a Marian Church at “Vadipatti” just 30 miles away from Madurai.

We reached Vadipatti St.Mary’s Church my companions entered into the church and offered prayers, but I cannot enter into the Church. My friends were puzzled at this strange occurrence and they asked me to explain the reason.

The Answer-was that Blessed Mother didn’t allow me to enter into the church due to the reason that The appearance or the apparition of Blessed Mother at Kreupasanam in 2004 was not brought to the church for the final judgment or The Ecclesiastical Approval of the Catholic Church.

I have been chosen by God through Our Lady to present to the world a gift to help all humanity come to salvation.Alas on my part I willfully suppressed The Apparition and moved without any scruple about it.

In 2004 on 7th December 2.30 P.M. in the afternoon Blessed Mother Appeared to me,as said above I have not approached the Ecclesiastical Authorities to get the Apparition of Blessed Mother at Kalavoor,Kreupasanam declared as genuine and issue the final judgment that the manifestation of the Blessed Mother at “Kalavoor Kreupasanam” which will undoubtedly will fill love, confidence and peace of Our Lady as she brings the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart and the Glorious Reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus into the hearts of all mankind, through her apparition at kalavoor-kreupasanam.

After having prayed rosary fervently for world peace and the conversion of sinners I composed the Apparition Prayer as I was directed by Our Mother Mary in a span of 10 minutes.

The Prayer got printed and was circulated among thousands and thousands of devotees of kreupasanam Mother who prayed “The Apparition Prayer”.

Our Lady appeared to Jainee of degree student who was ill seriously ill owing burning caused petroleum get and she was admitted in the hospital-and our lady came to her hospital bed touched her and Jainee came to life with all the charm freshness largely owing the apparition prayer recited by her aunty at kreupasanam. Marian devotees ardently prayed the apparition prayer and number of people experienced the divine intercession of Holy Mother with wonderful miracles.It was the sign from heaven for implementing a heavenly plan at Kreupasanam with the Apparition of Holy Mother at Kreupasanam as we recited in the prayer.

6 months passed, as usual together with Bro. Vijayakumar, we prayed recited Rosary then came the gift of awakening which led to repentance and Blessed Mother came to hold my hands, sufferings pains for my willful suppression of the Apparition of Blessed Mother at Kreupasanam.

So Lord opened my spiritual eyes and ears and recognizing the Blessed Mothers voice, I was asked by her to compose or frame the apparition prayer- The very same message was given to Vijayakumar who was with me reciting Rosary at Velankanni -The Towards of the East. After having recited 4 additional rosaries at the altar- Our Lady of Sorrows Vijayakumar left for Coimbatore and I started to my place - The spirit of the Lord infused in to me to repent and lead a life of an unending gratitude keeping in mind-The teaching of the old Testament, repent you shall be saved.

Eph 1:17-18 - “I pray that the Lord our God Jesus Christ The Father of Glory may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him, so that with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you what are the riches of his glorious inheritance among saints.”After having got blessed with spirit of God as said above and having completed the 90 - Rosary Prayer at par with Ark of Covenant and 48 hours after the Velankanni Pilgrimage I compelled the hand-book on The Marian Covenant Prayer and started the Marian Covenant Prayer program at Kreupasanam.