
"And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God is its light, and its lamp is the Lamb."

Revelation 21:23

Here above 👆 Latest List of online Prayer Request & Light a Candle

Light A Candle prayer

In the wedding at Cana ,Mother of God by realising the mind of our Heavenly Father spells to Son of God-the creator ,"Let there be light”; and there was light "(Genesis 1: 3)-Yes there was light of faith!.By the glorious intercession of Mother Mary(John 2:3),the water in the Jars with Lord's spirit turned into wine,became as the first sign! of new Israel out of the faith (John 2:11)

It is a wonderful and graceworthy moment and occasion in which you can light a candle infront of Kreupasanam Apparition Mother at the holy sanctuary of kreupasanam , Alappuzha Virtually with your personal prayer intentions. After registering your prayer request in our intercessory prayer group, we will approve your request and send the e-mail. Download Kreupasanam Marian apparition -Intercessory prayer and say it on every morning at 5.30 am. Continue the prayer on everyday .You will get the miracle with the powerful intercession of Kreupasanam Mother of Grace.Immediately after getting the God experience and miracles report it directly to Kreupasanam and give witness.”,