The well known icon of Our Lady of Perpetual help has to be restudied-Dr.Fr.V.P Joseph Valiyaveettil

From ancient times, Holy Catholic Church honoring the icon of Mother Mary as "Our Lady of perpetual help".But, does the theorem of icon really meant for Perpetual help ?Just peruse the picture.The picture reveals that in the hands of Holy Mary, Baby Jesus got frightened and even the sandal fallen off. By seeing whom Baby Jesus got frightened??The picture says , by seeing the Archangels Gabriel and Michael on the left and right hand side of Holy Mary.In that, on the the right hand side Archangel-Gabriel shows cross and on left hanside Arch angel-Michael shows lance.It is said that by seeing this horrible weapons Jesus got frightened.
In the history it has been written that before AD 1499 the icon was painted by a Byzantine artist.Here the subject of rethinking is that whether the imagination of the artist favouring the christian faith and our daily personal experience with the Mother Mary.Even a common marian devotee will not flutter in heart breaking sustainment with the life.On the contrary, the son of God who encourages us with the word 'don't be afraid' with the incarnation of salvation himself by seeing the tools to be tormented become frightened with in the hands of Holy Mary. And this false interpretation and illogic thinking should be taken in to the subject of criticism.More over,one interpretation from the internet that,inorder to emphasize the concept of complete humanity of Jesus, artist made this icon.It is not rejecting.But does the Jesus was a simple man??At the same time he was complete God.In addition to that , giving more attention to the humanity of God favouring the fact of faith?. Furthermore, the studies and theological viewpoints focusing on the humanity of God and presenting the Mother of God only as the Mother of human Christ was by the church of Greek and Byzantine school.But remember ,Roman Catholic church honoring the the Mother of christ in names of Holy mary and Mother of God. Apart from this, honoring the mother of Christ in the view point of ' only as the mother of human christ' that is 'Anthropotokos' is the theological view point of eastern orthodox and Byzantine church.Owing to this concept and viewpoint from AD 1400 ,the picture has been honored by Greek orthodox church in name of Virgin of Passion and websites reveals this picture was taken in to Rome by the merchants of ship.And there is another reference in the internet that the portrait was stolen and carried out by the ship merchants.The records of picture has been taken in to Rome by 1499 shows the writing,mater theo,that is 'Mother of God' and the letters OAM and OAR which is the shorthand of Arch angels Michael and Gabriel.It was from church of Sun Metro at Via Merulana, Rome the ancient documents of icon was find out .The writer of this documents in Italian languge is unknown.Hence our subject should also focus on document Theothokos,means the Mother of God and the legibilty of the writing other than handiwork meanwhile when the picture was taken in to the western country. Here opens the possibilities of research studies with the information that ,it is a Byzantine picture who considered the Holy Mother of God only as the Mother of human Christ and also the eastern orthodox church honored the portrait as the Virgin of passion.There is one more explanation that, When this picture was stolen by a thief in the ship and kept in hand without handing over it to church he under gone certain tribulations and with the intercession of the Holy image found the result of prayer and from this experience the name-Our Lady of perpetual help came in to exist.
Now the question is how the portrait of Mother Mary pictorized as the as the Mother of human Christ become the icon of Mother of God by writing it as the 'Mother of God '.On the contrary the legibilty of the icon representing baby Jesus as frightened from lance and cross and even sandal fallen off and gaze of mother Mary expressed as emotionless instead of consoling frightened Baby Jesus in her hand as the 'mother of perpetual help' is questionable. This forces us towards rethinking of the subject.
Progression of the study should focus on this reference that when picture was taken in to Rome, inorder to indicate divine power of Holy Mary and the holiness, the halo with the eight point star on head was probably added.