
 Marian Message

Approaches towards the long term life missions

In the life  of Jesus Christ and Mother of God there were number of life missions with no end anywhere. The view point of Mother of God towards this poignant- long term life missions,started from annunciation up to the Calvary-mount and perspective of Jesus Christ was same.Holy Mary said during the time of annunciation to angel of God:"let it be with me according to your word".-Luke 1:38,knowingly her poignant-missions including his passion &crucifixion.Jesus prayed to father:"not my will but yours be done".In short,Jesus called this poignant-long term life missions as 'certainty'.It is a truth that when the misgovernment of world's spirit over- ruled him through Pilate and Judas ,he doesn't take it as personal.The reason why Jesus does n't express any reluctance toward Judas with his merciless approaches is this standpoint.Further ,Jesus openely said his point of view - "for the ruler of this world is coming.He has no power over me".-John 14:30.",for the Son of Man is going as it has been determined".-Luke 22:22.Let us pray now for the fulfilment of His certainty-determination in our life as Mother of God prayed.

V.P Achan,Kreupasanam.
