Faith of Mother of God versus silence & dedication

Marian life reveals us a hidden fact-that is faith has one more meaning,it is silence.Luke 1:45-"And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord."Yes,she believed so,Whatever the angel said during the time of annunciation-" He will reign over the house of Jacob forever,and of His kindom there will be no end."-Luke 1:33. Afterwards,She prepared her mind for receiving His mysteries of all revelations,to those who loved him-John 14:21.Later on we can see when Jesus was crucified and buried in the tomb,Mother of God already knew that there is no need of such type of fragrance for anointing Him who is already risen.Yet She doesn't discourage Mary Magdalene from preparing fragrance for anointing His body.
Yes,Mother of God,you have got the mind of Jesus.At Bethany when Mary anointed Jesus feet with costly perfume made of pure nard Jesus said-"Leave her alone.she bought it so that she might keep it for the day of my burial"-John 12:7.Jesus really focusing our sincerity more than its importance and meaning.Yes He said-"she has done what she could.she has anointed my body beforehand for its burial"-Mark 14:
Here both of them -Mary of Bathany and Mary Magdalene have done same thing."Blessed are pure in heart,for they will see God,"Mathew 5: 8.Yes,she witnessed Jesus-the resurrected Jesus,before every one-John 20:16 Remeber,If Mother of God discourage Mary Magdalene from anointing his body on that has one more meaning-that is silence.When She inviting us to her silence,She also teaching us the fact that unrealized likes of God has got one more meaning-that is dedication.
V.P Achan,Kreupasanam