
 Marian Message

Mother of God-the creation of Our father for holding His prestige

In the beginning when God created heaven and earth,he created  humankind in his image.Later God created woman-Eve by taking a rib from Adom in  deep sleep.At that time Lord commanded ,"you may freely eat of every tree of garden;but of the tree of the knowledge of  good and evil you shall not eat,for in the day  that you eat of it you will die."-Genesis-2:15.But in one morning Eve did so-she took that fruit,against the  God  commandment with the temptation  of Serpent.Then satan smiled at God and said:see your daughter is now in my custody.Then fathers eye become redden with agony.Here is the birth of Mother of God-"I will put enmity between you and the woman,and between your offspring  and hers;he will strike your head,and you will  strike his heel."-Genesis3:15 In the gospel,When the Lord send the desciples to every town and place where he himself intended to go ,they returned  and Said-"Lord, in your name even the demons submit to us!"He said to them,I watched satan  fall from heaven like a flash of lightening".Then Jesus said-"See I have given you  authority  to tread on snakes and scorpions,and all over the power  of enemy,and nothing will hurt you-Luke 10:19.This verse is directly corresponding with Genesis3:15 cited above. If any one ask when mary was born?the answer is Mother of God  born in the heart of God(Our father). Yes Mother of God is the creation of Our father for holding his prestige.

