How can we receive the 'immediate faith of Mother of God' in our daily life??

In the Holy Gospel,with in the description of number of miracels_Bible repeatedly using the word-"immediately".For example,when the woman with hemorrhage touched the fringe of his clothes, immediately her hemorrhage stopped(Luke 8:44).Like wise, if you believe, immediately you can receive the blessings.That is -on the very moment your real wish will happen in your life. When there is delay in hearing the word of Lord there occurs the prolongation of receiving the blessings.When we looks in to our real daily life,suppose you would like to get a recovery from a disease or likes to get a good job . If there occurs a delay in this blessing,real problem is with the delay in hearing the word of Lord and it shows your low faith level.Our Blessed virgin Mary conceived immediately with the word of Lord and became as the Mother of God. During the time of Annunciation," Mary said to the angel,How can this be,since I am a virgin?".Luke 1:34.Then the angel said to her,"The Holy Spirit will come upon you,and the power of Most High will overshadow you;therefore the child to be born will be holy;He will be called Son of God".- Luke 1:35. Then Mother Mary doesn't perplexed for a while and She gave the immediate reply:"Here am I,the servant of the Lord,let it be with me according to your word"-Luke 1:38.And on the very moment She became as the Mother of God.Always remember that Intellectual thinking is not at all favourable in the application of faith in the real life.