
 Marian Message

When Claim refused ,what would be your standpoint?

When the answers for our prayers  has been  delayed,we should learn to continue our prayer with no hassle and flutter.Listen what Jesus told to Holy Mary. In the incident of twelve year old Jesus missed when they went to Jerusalem for the festival ,Holy Mary and St.Joseph came to know this fact only after one day's journey-Luke 2:44. They assumed that He was in the group of travelers.Since they were in different groups with  the realtives and friends,Holy Mary felt that Jesus is with His father and St.Joseph think vice versa.When they meet each other,they cann't spotted him.So they returned to Jerusalem to search for him-Luke 2:45.Economic burden,physical difficulty along with the mental fatigue_above all with a sorrowful mind they searched him every where in the  festival premises."After three days they found him in the temple,sitting among the teachers,listening to them and asking them questions"-Luke 2:46.When his parents saw him his mother said to him,"why have you treated us like this?Look your father and I have been searching for you in great anxiety".-Luke 2:48.Here,Mother of God saying Her claim-Jesus you must give reply,it is because of you we tensed-prayed that much.Mother of God is the first person who submitting tolerances that She suffered in name of Jesus as claim to Him.Notice the reply of Jesus to His Mother with out any consolation,you have no claim-"did you know that I must be in my Father's  house?"-Luke 2:49-you don't forget that you are the servent of Lord,what you said during the time of annunciation to Father; for I take stock in His matters.

Here Jesus make Holy Mary to say that She is servent of God, with out stating it directly.When Mother of God tell to Jesus that how much they worried about you,He said:you are the servent-to engage in my father's  matters as like me.It was a 'waking' for Holy Mary-a remembrance that She is the servent of Father.When She realized this,does not made any hassle or flutter,the word Luke 2:51 reveals this-"His mother treasured all these things in her heart."When we pray ardently for a subject and felt it as unheard,but the persons who do not pray receive favours from God,our standpoint should be like this -that is with out any grievance pray for the fulfilment of His will.Then we will become as the servent of God and He will put the spirit upon us-Mathew 12:18.Even if the tribulations are the part of life  we must take a decision that I will not put any claim infront of you-will never say it as  my right-claim.Pray for the will of God and the fruitfulness of His wish in our life.

V.P Achan,Kreupasanam.

