'Missionaries of Marian Apparitions'(MMA) Pious association

A dedicated Spiritual community has been initiated by Rev Fr Joseph Valiyaveettil of Kreupasanam Marian Shrine in Alappuzha by name 'Missionaries of Marian Apparitions' with a noble aim of spreading all the glorious Apparitions of Holy Mother Mary in different parts of the world including that occurred in Kreupasanam on 7th December 2004. Both young men and women who feel they are being called by God for proclaiming the Good News of Lord Jesus Christ to the world through Holy Mother Mary, can dedicate their lives and join this Spiritual community. Even young men, women, deacons, married couples & singles can join this community and serve the Lord for a minimum period of 1years or as life time. Wherever in the world when Holy mother Mary granted an apparition She gave a warning and or message from God. Those messages were intended for individuals, nations, the Church, and the whole world.By launching this new community, the Kreupasanam aim to engage devotees in three mission categories.
- MMA (Missionaries of Marian Apparitions) Sisters: for women who are willing to dedicate their lives to this Marian Mission.
- MMA Deacons/Brothers: for men who are eager to dedicate their lives for the glory of Lord Jesus Christ.
- Lay Apostolic MMA Missionaries: This is meant for anyone like young men, women, married deacons, couples, etc who feel they have a Divine Calling and are willing to undertake this noble Mission for a minimum period of 1 year. Those who are having an inner vocation to serve the Lord and His Mother and receive innumerable blessings for the self and their own families may come forward and contact the below e-mail address of 'Missionaries of Marian Apparitions' for more information: apparitionmissionaries@gmail.com